
Health Blog

Sep18th 2017

Warning Signs That Your Kid’s Backpack Is Not Properly Fitted In Eden Prairie

Our children’s safety is a top priority. We teach them all sorts of safety rules like how to safely ride a bike or swim in the pool. But unknowingly, we’re placing them at risk for a variety of injuries by not teaching them how to wear a backpack safely. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons explains that

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Checking Your Children’s Posture In Eden Prairie

Sep5th 2017

It is common knowledge that good posture in Eden Prairie is one of the primary ways to prevent back and spinal problems later on in life. Children, however, are often hard to manage when it comes to adopting good posture and maintaining it, especially at school. The combination of heavy backpacks and non-ergonomic school furniture can pose

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Aug15th 2017

Whole Foods: Nourishing And Healing The Body

“OK girls, what vegetable do you want tonight, corn or green beans?”  In response to this question, my sister or I would go to the cupboard and grab whatever can seemed most appealing on that particular night, and that was the extent of my veggie experience growing up.  Any foods other than meat and potatoes

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