
Back Pain & Sciatica Relief

Stacey J.

“Everybody has been wonderful and so patient with me. I was listened to regarding my symptoms and my therapy was adjusted as needed. I would get really down and frustrated at times because of my symptoms and everyone there was my cheerleader and the encouragement was phenomenal. This is a great place to seek well-rounded care for neck and back pain. I tell everyone I know about this place and how much it has helped me."

Alex B.

“I had soreness/tightness in my low back near my SI joints. This limited me from playing golf, working out and doing my job as a nurse. I was frustrated because I couldn’t do the hobbies I enjoyed. After starting care at Wellspring I can now golf, workout, lift and boost my patients at work easier. Wellspring rocks, I am so glad I found them. They have a great staff! All the staff are so nice and approachable and genuinely care. Wellspring combines core strengthening and stretching with other modalities like cold laser and myofascial release to help strengthen and stretch your muscles to relieve the pain.”


Recovering from hip replacement surgery ✨ Hello, my name is Tom, and I’ve been coming to Wellspring for the past four winters. I’m a construction worker and get very sore and stiff during the summer months. I recently had double hip replacement surgery and my doctor prescribed physical therapy to recover. I am very glad I returned to Wellspring. The ladies here are very good at what they do. They helped me regain my balance and flexibility. They help get rid of the aches and pains I’ve had over the years, especially now with the healing from a double hip replacement. I wouldn’t be able to function during the construction season if it wasn’t for Wellspring! Construction involves constantly getting up and down on the concrete deck and doing physical work. So, coming to Wellspring is my opportunity to recuperate, get back out there, and make a living for my family.


I came to Wellspring with pain in my lower back and inner thigh that had been going on for a year and a half. I couldn’t step into my car, and sitting in chairs was a problem.   When the pain was at its worst, I just felt miserable all day long. Before coming to Wellspring, I would just take aspirin and deal with the pain.   Since starting care at Wellspring I can do EVERYTHING more easily! Even picking up a pencil off the floor is now no problem. My core feels stronger and looser. The staff are very professional, kind, and accommodating.   You have to work hard, but the results are amazing!

Dave O.

"Every couple months or so my lower back would go out, I would be in so much pain that I just laid on the floor for three days or so doing nothing. It would slowly get better with use of some medication ... until the next time it would go out, just a couple of months later. Well, I finally got sick of the pain cycle - so I committed myself to the treatment at Wellspring Health Center. The staff is so competent and focused. They always kept me on the task at hand - to strengthen my core. It has been one year since I have finished my treatment at Wellspring, and I wanted to let everyone know that my back hasn't gone out since! Every time it starts hurting, I apply the techniques that therapists taught me and my pain goes away! I wish I would have come to Wellspring to stop the pain cycle long before I did!"

Clif E.

"Five years ago I had a spinal fusion and in April of this year my back really began to hurt. I did not want to just follow down the path of having spinal epidurals which only eased the pain for a day or two. When Jane, a very nice woman who is a regular at my gym, told me about the Wellspring clinic in Eden Prairie, she had nothing but good things to say about them. Since I have been a patient there, the changes have been dramatic. I am, for the most part, pain-free. I am getting better at moderating my activity but I will occasionally do too much and hurt myself. Now, however, I can apply what I've learned at Wellspring Health Center to get back to better faster. I have nothing but great things to say about the staff at Wellspring. They are the most competent group of service providers I have ever met."


"My lower back and shoulder pain prevented me from sleeping well. As a result, I was constantly tired and crabby. I stopped doing 90% of my activities. I became sedentary and weak. I tried many different avenues before coming here. Wellspring Health Center took the most comprehensive look at what was going on as compared to anyone else I saw. The integrative approach is wonderful-like jigsaw pieces being put together and then the puzzle is done and you are so much better."

Sharon H.

"I was experiencing back and neck pain after painting a ceiling. When it didn't go away after 3 weeks I decided I needed some help. Everything requiring physical movement is better now. I also sleep better. I love coming to Wellspring Health Center... the atmosphere is relaxing and the staff is very caring and capable. I always feel better when I leave - both physically and mentally."

Abby E.

"I was in a car accident. My left side was affected, neck, shoulder, and lower back. I constantly felt that I had limited movement throughout my neck and back. I felt very comfortable receiving treatment and knew that they (Wellspring) provided outstanding care!! Thank you for my treatment, being educational, comforting and energizing!"

Kelly C.

"I started physical therapy because of lower back, neck and shoulder pain. I sit at a desk all day for work and by the afternoon, it was very uncomfortable to stay seated. By the time I got home from work I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was lay in bed. Since working with the staff at Wellspring Health Center, I can now sit through an entire day of work, make dinner at home and still have enough energy to play with my six year old and the rest of my family. I can sit at my scrapbook table and craft as long as I want to. I can take the puppy for a walk and come home and still do housework."

Dena W.

"I was in a car accident and the pain in my back was so strong that I could not sleep more than 20 minutes at a time. My arm and hand were also becoming numb and made being a student hard. After the warm, friendly and jubilant staff at Wellspring worked with me I can say that Everything has improved! I am able to get enough rest, sit through lectures, take notes, fully interact with my daughter and over all enjoy life!"

Pat R.

"My low back was accidentally hit by a golf cart. I was in a lot of pain and sitting was difficult. I attended a golf workshop and staff from Wellspring Health Center were there offering a free massage. I learned more about them and went in for a consultation. I was very impressed with their holistic approach... In the past when I have gone other places for various injuries, I was given exercise sheets to do on my own with very little "coaching". At Wellspring all of the staff pay attention to how you are doing. The exercises follow a progression and build on the basics. I can honestly say Wellspring Health Center has made a lifelong impact on my life."

Erin K.

"I decided to come to Wellspring because I had been in a few car accidents in my childhood which caused my neck and lower back to be tense all the time. I wasn't able to workout, go to school all day, and do normal activities without pain. After treatment at Wellspring I have more ROM in my neck and can see by blindsides while driving. I can also lift the kids that I nanny for without any pain! My time here has truly been a life-changing experience for me. Everyone here is so welcoming and cares about your progress. I would recommend Wellspring to anyone that is having issues. This is an amazing clinic that I have enjoyed coming to."

Dan M.

"I had low back pain from playing golf. I could not work a full day and could not play golf or do my exercises. After treatment at Wellspring Health Center, my core strength and flexibility was greatly improved. I even have a better golf swing -more powerful with less stress on my back! I would recommend Wellspring to anyone."

Sue G.

"I am an RN on a busy hospital unit. I came to Wellspring Health Center due to the chronic upper back pain which was getting worse at work. I was worried I might incur a permanent injury - which is not uncommon in nurses. Since coming to Wellspring, I feel like I have lost weight (even though I haven't) and feel like I am 5-10 years younger! I really appreciate the individual attention, and that I felt cared about, and the peaceful atmosphere."

Jason P.

"I came to Wellspring Health Center because certain movements were causing shooting pain in my right back, knee, hip, shoulder, neck and causing headaches. In an attempt to avoid the pains, I stopped exercising and spent a lot of time laying on the couch. After treatment at Wellspring, I feel more ready to pursue hobbies I was forgetting about like my favorite, mountain biking, and playing with my daughter is so much easier. My appointments at Wellspring were often the high point of my day. Everyone was very friendly and I left feeling both invigorated and relaxed."

Diana N.

"I came to Wellspring Health Center with low back pain and neck pain. I was constantly sore at work and would get frequent headaches. After my care I noticed a change, especially in exercise, I noticed my core working as the central muscle, which I contribute to my pain going away. It makes working out and activities so much easier and beneficial."

Tracy H.

"I began treatment at Wellspring due to chronic upper back and neck pain. It limited my daily activities especially picking up my daughter and my sleep quality. After talking to my doctor many times about my back pain with no results, I'm happy I finally found somewhere that worked!"

Bobbi P.

"I had extreme pain in my low back and legs. It limited my ability to bend, drive and take care of my kids and home. This made me feel hopeless and depressed and I wondered if or how I'd get the help I needed. Wellspring has been the only treatment I've had that is so thorough and allows treating more than one area. It's also the only place that made me feel there was hope for getting better and stronger. Thank you to each and every staff person here - I couldn't have come this far without you all."

Karla G.

"I never had back pain before my car accident, so it was very discouraging to be in such pain and feel so helpless. Everyone here at Wellspring Health Center was so helpful and reminded me to keep up the good work! ...They really took care of me like family."

Back Pain & Sciatica

Don’t Live with Back Pain – We Can Help!

By combining recent medical breakthroughs with proven treatment protocols, we’re able to identify and treat the root causes of back pain and provide long-lasting relief without medications or surgery in most cases.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association, back pain is by far the most common sort of pain across America, with around one-quarter of people experiencing it in the last three months. At Wellspring Health Center, our Eden Prairie, MN sports medicine, physical therapy, and wellness specialists will get to the root of the problem and provide long-lasting relief.

If you wake up with back or leg pain in the morning, physical therapy may be a good option. In Eden Prairie, MN, we have several therapists that can help restore your overall health and well-being.

While back pain and sciatica are very similar, they are still different and often misunderstood. Pain in your back is usually localized to one area of your upper, middle or lower back. Sciatica pain can occur anywhere on the buttock or thigh area. It is also possible to have radiculopathy where certain body parts, such as the feet or legs, become numb, tingly, and painful. This is usually due to a herniated disc or nerve entrapment at the back of the spine.

If you’re experiencing back pain or sciatica, don’t panic. We treat these conditions with various methods, which can even eliminate the need for drugs like opioids or invasive surgery!

Treating back pain & sciatica naturally with physical therapy

While back pain may go away and come back, it’s essential to treat it right away. If not, it can lead to future injuries. Poor joint movement, core weakness, and muscle coordination can lead to injury if left untreated.

The early stages of your physical therapy treatment will focus on pain relief. Afterward, your physical therapist may expand your treatment to include strengthening your core muscle group with specific therapeutic exercises and stretches. If indicated, cortisone-free trigger point injections may be used with physical therapy to release deeper muscle knots. This helps you improve your strength and range of motion in order to avoid injuring your spine. 

Our physical therapist will also teach you ergonomic techniques for caring for your spine, such as sitting at a desk or driving. One way to treat sciatica is by using physical therapy with exercise. This will help to loosen the nerve and relieve your pain quickly.

Our specialists are trained to treat pain from lower back injuries, such as back pain and sciatica, with the help of sports medicine and physical therapy. We will create individualized treatment plans for each person’s needs based on their diagnosis.

Back pain vs. sciatica – what’s the difference?

Back pain

There are many different ways back pain can be caused. It might come from a sudden injury, regular physical activity, or not giving your body enough support to maintain good posture. The type of back pain you experience can be classified as either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term).

Our physical therapists in Eden Prairie, MN will work with you to set up a specific treatment plan. This will depend on your background, where the pain is located and if it’s happened before.


Sciatica is a type of back pain that is highly uncomfortable. However, it’s also straightforward to diagnose. Those who experience sciatica pain feel it on their sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in your body.

The sciatic nerve starts at the lower back and continues down the leg to the bottom of each foot.

Issues with the sciatic nerve can cause a “shooting,” “stinging” or “burning” sensation in your lower back, buttocks, legs or feet.

So, why am I experiencing back pain or sciatica?

General back pain is generally caused by either a serious trauma – like getting in a car accident – or from something more common, repetitive strain due to straining your back, such as leaning down to pick up your toddler.

Underlying conditions, such as herniated discs, can also cause immense pain and cause radiating pain to the thigh, leg, or foot. Degenerative disc disease is a common condition as we age, resulting in back pain. Those with this condition typically report dull, aching pains in their lower back and have difficulty with prolonged standing or walking.

“Sciatica” refers to the pain and symptoms people experience when their sciatic nerve, which originates from a specific area of the spinal cord called the “lumbar spine,” is irritated. The typical age of onset falls within 30-50 years old. A variety of injuries can cause sciatica, including arthritis, bone spurs, etc.

Most commonly, we find people are unable to properly use and engage their hips and pelvis muscles, which causes your gluteus and hip muscles to shorten. This leads to the spine collapsing on itself, compressing the sciatic nerve as it travels through the low back.

Contact us to find relief!

If you are experiencing back pain or sciatica symptoms, find relief with Wellspring Health Center today at Eden Prairie, MN.

Request a complimentary consultation to start the first steps toward recovery and living an active pain-free life.