
Category: Natural Pain Relief

5 Ways You Can Increase Your Daily Physical Activity Nov10th 2021

5 Ways You Can Increase Your Daily Physical Activity

These PT Tips Can Help You Live a More Active Life! If you spend your days moving with pain and living a fairly sedentary life as a result, the notion of pursuing any kind of extensive physical activity may be the furthest thing from your mind. However, even if you are living with pain, getting

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Relieve Your Joint Pain and Move with Ease through PT Treatments Oct20th 2021

Relieve Your Joint Pain and Move with Ease through PT Treatments

Discover How PT Can Help You Move Comfortably Once Again Chronic joint pain is typically associated with arthritis, although there are other physical conditions that may lead to joint deterioration and pain. Did you know that arthritis is the leading cause of disability across the United States? In fact, according to the Arthritis Foundation, approximately

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Manage the Discomfort of Herniated Discs with Physical Therapy Oct5th 2021

Manage the Discomfort of Herniated Discs with Physical Therapy

Have You Been Living with Herniated Disc Pain? If you’ve been living with persistent pains, there’s a chance it could be due to a herniated disc. Strange neck pains, back pains, or extremity symptoms can indicate a variety of potential problems – including one or more herniated discs. It can sometimes be difficult to determine

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