
Category: Office Staff

Jul18th 2024

Katy Houlihan

Katy is our Front Desk Coordinator. She greets every visitor with her wonderful smile and helps with scheduling appointments and making sure everything flows smoothly throughout the clinic. Katy also helps with events and promotions to make sure everyone knows about Wellspring Health Center. She loves to hear patient success stories! Outside of Wellspring, Katy’s

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Nov16th 2023

Bianca Gamboa

Education: The University of Texas at El Paso – Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science and a minor in Biological Sciences Personal Interests: Reading, crafting, cooking, and spending time with my loved ones, especially my dog, Luke ❤️

Nov11th 2020

Susan Lutz

Susan is our medical billing and insurance specialist. Since joining our team in 2014, Susan has made it her goal to make the patient experience as stress-free as possible. She helps to reduce financial stress for our patients by providing an accurate verification of insurance coverage prior to the start of care, and efficiently billing

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