
Relieve Chronic Back Pain with Physical Therapy

Back pain can be incapacitating, as you may have experienced if you are one of the millions of Americans who struggle with it on a near-constant basis. Everyday tasks like getting out of bed, sitting, and walking may become challenging if you suffer from lower back pain. While many seek out painkillers to relieve their chronic lower back pain, it’s important to remember that even those with a relatively low risk of side effects can be problematic.

Wellspring Health Center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota has both experienced physical therapists and medical professionals who can help you find relief from your lower back pain without the use of harmful prescription medications.

Physical Therapy for the Underlying Causes of Low Back Pain

Pain in the lower back can be debilitating, preventing the sufferer from doing even the most basic of daily activities. If you’re experiencing lower back pain, physical therapy is a better first option than over-the-counter drugs or even surgery. An effective treatment option for chronic lower back pain is physical therapy, which targets the underlying issues that have been causing your symptoms.

Wellspring Health Center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota will work with you to develop an individualized strategy for diagnosing and treating your health problem. To alleviate your discomfort and restore your range of motion, we may employ a number of methods, such as manual therapy, physical exercise, and cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.

Find Chronic Back Pain Relief at Wellspring Health Center

Pain in the lower back is a sign of a serious medical condition that needs to be treated by a doctor. It is possible, with the help of the staff at Wellspring Health Center, to determine the source of your discomfort and relieve chronic back pain for the long-term. Take advantage of a free consultation with our team to learn more about how we can help.