Poor Posture Eden Prairie, MN

Poor Posture


“After starting care at Wellspring, I am now able to work at the computer, cook, drive and play with my kids. Most importantly; bring a new awareness to my posture especially during stressful situations or when strength training. You all are lovely people. Thank you for increasing the quality of my day-to-day life. Wellspring is personalized, effective, non-judgmental and warm.”

Candice C.

"I came to Wellspring because of prior car accidents and horrible posture. Physically I was in pain every day. From standing to lifting and even laying down would put me in pain. I would get crabby and irritated that I was constantly sore and unhappy. Since treatment at Wellspring, I have less pain and tension in my body. There was always a warm, inviting atmosphere whenever I went there. I loved everything about my treatment there."

Linda C.

"I'm truly amazed by how proper posture contributes to poise, which helps with every human encounter - being a patient at Wellspring has truly been a life-changing experience. Besides the range of treatments, what sets Wellspring Health Center apart is the staff - what amazing, talented people! They all work together to help you reach your goals and I appreciate their commitment to my body's care. Thank you!"

Nicole R.

"Wellspring Health Center helped me improve my overall health and posture. I had a sports injury, making it extremely difficult to walk and perform day-to-day activities. I am now more aware of how to prevent tension and improve posture through stretching and exercise. The staff was/is extremely caring, supportive, and friendly. I enjoyed working with all of the therapists - everyone was great! They worked well with me even when my insurance provider wouldn't. I noticed 100% improvement in my health and mobility from my first consultation."

Todd T.

"I had poor posture which made me look bad and feel bad about myself. I also had numbness in my left arm with sharp pains whenever I sneezed. I pretty much ignored the problems. It seemed it was just the hand I was dealt. I did not realize how much better things could be until I met the staff at Wellspring. The thing I appreciate the most is that I can see and feel how much the staff really cares about me."

Mary E.

"I had a shoulder injury from swimming - over-usage maybe. I called my insurance's member services. They listed PT places in my area and Wellspring Health Center sounded the most interesting. The last two months have been rewarding to come to Wellspring. The staff is very considerate and courteous. I am now back to almost everything. I like the added value of learning how to improve my posture and strengthen my core."

April F.

"I had acute right hip pain that made it difficult to walk. I also had chronic neck pain from an old whiplash injury. I relied on drugs to be comfortable. I was very miserable and hopeless. With the help from the professional and skilled staff at Wellspring, I was able to get my strength back! I'm so grateful! Sticking with the plan proved worthy when I saw my before and after posture photos. I would recommend Wellspring to anyone!"

Jennifer J.

"Any sort of reaching would send pain and tingling shooting down my arm. I always had to stop, pause and resume what I was doing. After treatment at Wellspring Health Center, my symptoms have been virtually eliminated. I have greatly improved my overall posture, which improves any activity that affects reaching."

Christina A.

"I had tight and sore shoulders for years. I had sprained or pulled something in my neck and it destroyed my posture and was uncomfortable. Since my care at Wellspring, I can sit longer, my posture has improved and I stand taller. Overall, I feel much better. The staff at Wellspring rock!! I am so glad I was able to get my treatment done here. I would highly recommend coming here even if it is just to find out what your options are. Great, friendly, flexible and caring staff."

Michael C.

"I injured my neck while squatting and started having shooting pain into my head whenever I lifted weights. I was really upset. It turned out I also had terrible posture too. Wellspring Health Center has the best team of healthcare professionals. I have ever worked with and some of the kindest, nicest, most patient people I've had the pleasure of knowing. Thank You!"

How do you keep your posture throughout the day? Do you often catch yourself slumping? Do you experience stiffness and soreness in your neck or back in the last couple of hours of school or work? Poor posture might be the cause. If poor posture is causing you pain, physical therapy may help. Contact Wellspring Health Center today to learn more about how we can improve your posture and lead a pain-free, active life!

Why do I have poor posture?

Poor posture is nothing to feel embarrassed about – few individuals have perfect posture, and most people participate in bad posture practices of some kind. We get so caught up in whatever we are undertaking that we fail to pay attention to how we use our bodies.

Incorrect posture isn’t just due to laziness or negligence; instead, it often involves a physical weakness occurring inside our bodies. We tend to slouch or slump when we’re feeling tired because our bodies (literally) get tired of holding up our weight.

Poor posture puts enormous strain on the joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments of your body, and it also weakens many important core muscles. Over time, posture will change, and most people will not pay enough attention to these changes until an ache or pain sets in.

Even if you’re exercising on a regular basis, there may be a couple of muscles that are contributing to your posture that you may not realize. Your shoulder, back, abdomen, buttocks, and pelvic floor muscles all play a significant part in your posture. If even one of these is weak, your core will likely be affected, and your posture could suffer.

Your body is designed to align with precision, allowing you to breathe, move, and circulate blood with minimal effort. If poor posture persists, your joint and bone health can deteriorate as you age.

Regaining your posture with physical therapy

Physical therapy is an effective method of regaining a healthful posture. Our physical therapists are experts in movement and use a holistic approach to treat posture issues. They will help you improve your physical stability, balance, flexibility, and mobility, all of which will better your body’s posture.

Your physical therapist will conduct screening tests and diagnostic imaging at your initial evaluation to identify which areas of your body are contributing to your back pain. They will create a personalized treatment plan based on the results of your testing.

A holistic physical therapy plan often includes manual therapy and other hands-on or high-tech treatments to decrease tissue tension, along with targeted Pilates-based exercises to ease pain and return proper function. Your physical therapist may choose to add treatments, including laser therapy, electrical stimulation, or trigger point therapy, to your plan. Your treatment plan will center on improving your posture, increasing strength, and (most importantly) relieving your discomfort.

If you are experiencing back or body pain, imbalances in your posture may be to blame. Fortunately, Wellspring Health Center is ready to help you begin your journey toward long-lasting pain relief. Find out for yourself why physical therapy is one of the most effective ways to address your back pain and start on the road to recovery. Contact our Eden Prairie, MN physical therapy office today to schedule a complimentary consultation and figure out how physical therapy can help make you “posture perfect!”