
Eden Prairie Auto Accident Injury Care

Our physical therapists and nurse practitioner have experience treating disc problems, whiplash, compressed nerves, concussions, and other forms of damage resulting from auto accidents. We work collaboratively and have the skills and expertise to help you. If your pain condition needs more extensive testing or other treatments, we work with various area specialists we can refer you to.

A Different Approach to Auto Accident Injury

When you seek help at the Emergency Room after being in an auto accident, they’re looking for breaks, fractures, or any life-threatening problems. But, unfortunately, they do not identify injuries in the soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, or discs. Our physical therapists and nurse practitioner have the training to diagnose and treat these conditions.

If you don’t get the proper treatment for your injury, your body will create scar tissue to replace injured tissues. However, if the injured area is out of position, it won’t go back on its own. Meanwhile, it will wear out the cartilage and disc space, resulting in arthritis. With physical therapy, you can heal correctly and prevent any problems from occurring in the future.

The Expertise You Need

Even with low-speed collisions, you’ll notice something doesn’t feel right in the days or weeks afterward. But, no matter what type of accident you were in, we can evaluate you and decide if you require physical therapy or other treatments to get better.

We provide thorough care and send the bills with detailed notes directly to the insurance company or attorney. In doing so, we can be sure that you get the fair settlement you deserve.

Click for a Complimentary Consultation. We look forward to restoring your active, pain-free lifestyle.