Wellspring Health Center specializes in treating chronic pain conditions and spine problems using our integrative non-surgical pain protocol. Located in Eden Prairie, MN, what sets us apart from traditional pain centers is our revolutionary treatment options. No surgeries, no medications. Just results.
In these stressful times, people are searching for relief from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and more. We hope to be your first choice. If you’d like to restore pain-free movement naturally and increase your quality of life, we encourage you to request a free consultation today.
If you’d like to restore pain-free movement naturally and increase your quality of life, we encourage you to take advantage of this valuable offer!
Our medical and physical therapy team has advanced training in cutting-edge pain management technologies and holistic methods to address the root cause of your pain and fix it for good.
There is NO OBLIGATION! We would love to see if we can help you before you make a financial commitment to start care. (This appointment will take approximately 30 minutes. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete intake forms.)
Call or text us! (952) 933-1150